+233 32206111 info@recycleupghana.org

Day 1 of the Recycle Up! Camp in kumasi was quite normal and interesting. Participants started arriving in Queens hall – KNUST at 11:30 am with the first participant being Emmanuel Hayford.  90% of participants, mentors  had arrived as at 2:00pm.

Lunch [Kenkey with Fish and pepper sauce]  was also ready at 2:00, so after taking lunch participants were allowed thirty minutes to rest before going to the lecture hall [Chancellors hall].  Participants got to know each other,team, team leaders and mentor. Participants were also taken through the camp curriculum, Goals of the camp and they were allowed to make rules [Do’s and Don’ts] for the camp.

Finally, Participants were taken around for a campus tour which was supervised by the mentors. Dinner [Rice and Stew with fish]. Participant went to sleep at exactly 10:20pm.

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Meanwhile in Cape Coast

Participants arrived at the Cape Coast Polytechnic at around 10.00am to 12 noon. Participants got to play Knowing Me Knowing You games to get to know each other very well.

There was also an open forum where participants were introduced to the whole concept of Recycle Up! Ghana.

Later in the Evening, Tobi, Sampson, Delali and Ramat went to Eagle FM in Cape Coast to talk more about the Camp.



The Knowing me, Knowing you Game

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