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Identification of Plastics in Selected Areas
The first session began at 8:30am and lead by Team Leader Prosper. Participants were grouped into 4, with each finding out plastics item used in church, home, market and schools. The reasons for choosing them over other materials and the consequences of using plastics in each area. The groups then presented their findings to the whole group and it was educative. Group 2 said plastic items used in church includes chairs, collection bowls etc. because plastics items can be easily handled but could degrade soil fertility when improperly disposed off. Group 1 mentioned cups and buckets as examples of plastics items used at homes because they are durable and affordable, though they can level to pollution when disposed improperly. Group 3 said rulers, sharpeners, pencil cases among other are mostly used in schools because they are non-biodegradable, they could affect soil fertility. Group 4 talked about plastic bags, spoons, plates etc. were mostly found in markets. Although they may cause suffocation when swallowed, they are cheap and patronized by all.

Lecture on “Plastics and Us”
Second session for the day started at 10.30am by an external partner, Mr. Adams from Environmental Protection Agency(EPA). He talked about the basics of plastics, their properties, their negative impacts on air, water and human health, as well as prevention strategies. The presentation was climaxed with a video on “What happens to the plastic when they are disposed improperly”.
Sessions was followed by a “horse race” exercise led by Team Leader Prosper to rekindle the activeness of the team. He continually did a recap session on plastics with the participants before break at 11:42 am.

Introduction to Effective Communication
Third session was followed by an interactive lecture by Mr. Jude Agyei on “Introduction to Effective Communication”. It was made known to all that there could be both verbal and non-verbal communication. Ms Janina continued the session with “feedback”.

Presentation and Public Speaking
Mr. Alvin Otchere with his interactive session introduced the participants to “Presentations and Public Speaking”. Effective planning, structuring, practicing of communication according to Mr. Otchere are attributes of a good presentation. He also mentioned that there are four forms of speaking; to inform, persuade, actuate and entertain. It was followed swiftly by a session for the participants to practice their public speaking skills.

Reflection on Recycle Up! Your School Project
The fifth session was a reflection about “Recycle Up! Your School” handled by Ms. Samuella who enthused the participants with her knowledge and experience gained since 2014 when she was a participant through to 2016 as a camp support. Mr. Nasiru also talked about recycling as means of managing waste, and ended by introducing participants from 2014 and 2015 who were the to give their support to this years edition.

The day ended after dinner when the team had a recap session where participants talked about the day’s happenings. Thankfully, the feedback we had from the participants were positive, hence ending the day on a good note.