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Cape Coast

Second Day of the Camp at the Cape Coast Polytechnic began with even more energy. There was a prayer early in the Morning around 7:15 am and participants as well as Mentors got ready for the day ahead. at 8:23 am, Tobi led participants through a discussion on the topic “Plastic and Us”. After the much revealing and inspiring discussion, there was a Lecture by a Representative of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Environmental Waste and it’s impact.

Participants then took a short break and got ready for the first part of the Soft Skills Session which was led by Ioana. She led participants through an interactive lecture on Communication and Feedback. Most Participants learnt a lot about the proper channels of communication as well as how to communicate very well.

Participants went for Lunch around 1:18 pm and returned for the second part of the Soft Skills Session. Tobi joined Ioana for this session. The session taught Participants about proper presentation skills as well as the art of Public Speaking. The Session ended around 6. 20pm and Participants and mentors took their dinner.

Later in the evening at around 7:oo pm, Fred and the participants undertook a short reflection into the Day’s activities. There was a movie show later in the evening which ended at 9.44 pm.

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Meanwhile in kumasi, The participants were taken through a ‘Plastic and Us’ session by Mr. Abdulrahim Shaibu-Issah, where participants were made to identify plastics used in the Homes, Schools, City/Market, Food and Sports. they were also tasked to identify possible alternatives to these plastics and give the problems these plastics cause in these areas. A discussion on advantages and disadvantages was also given by Mr. Shaibu-Issah.

Mr. Alhassan Muniru also delivered a presentation on Plastics and then the participants had lunch. After Lunch, the participants were given a lecture on public speaking and presentation by Ahmed Salim Nuhu. The participants also took turns to give speeches of their own choosing to boost their public speaking skills. In the evening there were some indoor games and entertainment. Check out the pictures of Day 2 in Kumasi below.

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