+233 32206111 info@recycleupghana.org

                                                              Day four in Accra- experience phase 1


Recycle Up! Ghana summer camp Accra was ushered into one of its most exciting phase in this camp. The experience phase, as the saying goes “experience is the best teacher” and this phase involves an outing to a landfill site, a recycling firm, and places where people live.


At exactly 8.00 am, the bus took off for what promised to be a thrilling encounter. The long trip was made less boring by the participants singing, playing instruments, and socialising. At 9.30 am, the bus arrived at Nsumia landfill. We were taken round by one of the staff of the landfill, who explained the history of the landfill site, how it is managed, as well as the challenges the site is facing. We then had a tour around the landfill site but though we had nose masks on, we couldn’t escape the strong stench emanating from the landfill site. Finally everyone was happy to be in the bus, and get away from the stench.


If we thought that was the end of the stench, we were mistaken, as we visited the Accra Compost and Recycling Plant. There, we were received by Mr. Samuel Ntumy, a plant engineer along with Mr. Emmanuel Oteng, the branch manager, and Mr. Michael, the Business Development Manager. After a brief introduction, we were taken on a tour around the site. The sorting site, monitoring room, recycling plant, the landfill site were part of the few of the places we visited. After the tour, we left the site.


The final session was a survey at Agbogbloshie market at Accra. Divided into four groups, everyone one took a session of the market, and went off, questioning the inhabitants and the traders about how their waste is managed. After an hour, we all met beside the bus and gave a report for the day.


We finally returned at 7.30 pm, and after supper, with many tired legs and aching bodies, we went back to our rooms for a long and deserved rest.