+233 32206111 info@recycleupghana.org

Dear followers of RecycleUp! Ghana, yes, it happens again! In one month, the RecycleUp! Ghana Summer Camp in Kumasi, Ghana will go into a second round. And even better: There’s not gonna be one, but two RecycleUp Summer Camps happening in 2015. From 4th to 15th of August, the TeoG Regional Group of Cape Coast will host a Summer Camp exactly in parallel to the camp in Kumasi. RecycleUp! Ghana expands its regional impact to the Central Region and will again pull off 10 days of inspiring and useful content, covering not only topics like waste management and recycling, but also soft skills and personal development. More than 20 young “RecycleUp! Ambassadors” will go through 3 phases:


  • Expert Talks about waste and recycling
  • Soft-Skill-Training

Phase II: EXPERIENCE Visit of Recycling-Companies/Stakeholders Analysis of the existing waste management sector in Ghana

Phase III: SOLUTION Independent Conceptualization of Local Recycling Solution in TeamsPresentation of the Solution to the Public

Stay tuned for more updates and an introduction to the Team Leaders of 2015 in the next days! Your RecycleUp! Ghana 2015 Team. image image image