+233 32206111 info@recycleupghana.org
Tick tack, tick tack!

Only a few hours are left, until the opening of the two “RecycleUp! Ghana 2015” camps. Meanwhile the “Obruni” team leaders arrived from Germany, England and the Netherlands and is busy supporting the Ghanian teams with last minute preparations…

 …even during dumsor (power outage) times. Find Fred! 😉

…or while sharing fried yams and fish during lunch.

On the 5th of August, our 10-days long journey will in parallel start in Cape Coast and Kumasi. More than 40 young participants and the two TeoG teams are very excited and cannot wait to start with…

…KNOWLEDGE: During the first days, we will go through sessions and lectures, not only about Waste and Recycling in Ghana, but also about personal development, public speaking and entrepreneurship.

…EXPERIENCE: We will visit landfill sites and discover ways to make money out of waste at recycling companies. Moreover, we will experience the unspoiled, clean nature and also visit communities to find out about the local problems.

…SOLUTION: During the last 3 days of the camps, participants, divided in teams will develop own approaches to solve the waste problems they have identified at their communities and schools. Guided of mentors, they will present these solutions to their parents, partners, media and the public during the great “Grand Finale” of RecycleUp! Ghana 2015.

If you want to be kept updated on this experience, just follow us here. Let’s RecycleUp! Ghana!