Technik ohne Grenzen (TeoG) e.V. or Technology without borders has the goal to improve the living conditions in developing countries through the following actions.
- Offering practical development aid which is suitable to particular situations of the concerned persons. Goal is to have biggest impact possible relative to the available resources.
- Helping people to help themselves through offering thorough training and education.
- Generating sustainability through approaches on a micro economic level, inter alia.
Technology without borders wants to use its existing technical know-how to help other human beings. This was the vision behind founding the NGO. The term “technology” is meant as giving people interested in technology the possibility to engage in developing aid projects. The motto is:
“As technological as necessary, as simple as possible.”
Technology without borders shall give particularly students the platform to use their technical and engineering skills in a good cause thereby making the world a little bit a better place.
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